Groups are where you grow in faith while building meaningful relationships.
Practicing the way study
Begins January 12 • 4:30 – 6PM • Chapel
Join us for an 8-session study led by our Elders. Together, we’ll explore how to cultivate a life of apprenticeship to Jesus as we seek to KNOW Jesus, LIVE like Jesus, and LOVE like Jesus. Childcare is available for kids 10 and under.
Life Groups
A Life Group is a small group of people with a shared purpose – to actively pursue spiritual growth through ongoing community with others. Discipleship, accountability, and genuine care for one another’s needs form the foundation of a Life Group.
These groups typically meet in a home to study the Bible, pray, and offer encouragement as we journey together, drawing closer to God and one another along the way.

MCC Young Adults
Have fun hanging out, serving, and growing closer to Jesus with others under 30.

A community of men who challenge one another to actively pursue Jesus.

MCC Women
A community of women growing in faith and friendship while following Jesus together.

MCC Seniors
A group of retirement-aged adults who gather for fun, fellowship, and service.

Equipping Classes
Equipping Classes are designed to focus on a particular topic, study, or activity to equip you with essential skills for navigating different seasons of life. They also provide an excellent opportunity to build community as you connect, learn, and grow with others.

FREE access to a streaming library of more than 20,000 Biblically-based videos for individuals, small groups, families, kids, and students.
Get equipped with resources that will help you grow and thrive.

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