Uniquely designed with your child in mind!
MCC Kids
We exist to come alongside of parents in their child’s spiritual development so that, in God’s time, the child will come to have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Birth to 2 Years
Your baby will experience personal care from our well-staffed volunteer team. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services. We also take time to love and pray for your baby each week.

3 Years to 4 Years
In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience, so we help them interact and build their faith through stories, crafts, and songs that give them Biblical truths. They also start to form relationships with other kids and their teachers.

K – 6th Grade
Every weekend, your children Kindergarten through sixth grade, come to our programing where they experience dynamic worship and Biblical teaching. Together, they learn about the Bible and how to have a relationship with God, memorize Scripture, and have fun developing friendships with each other.
What to Expect on Your First Visit

When You Arrive
When you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the children’s area. You’ll go to the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well.
Your child is important to us. On your first visit, we need the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child. This information is entered into our database to help maintain our secure check-in system.
Your kids will have a blast!
Committed to keeping kids safe.
Our rooms are kept spotless.
MCC KIDS Mission
We provide a child-centered environment where children learn the Biblical narrative about the person of Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit and pursue transformation so that children can recognize His voice and respond to the call.
We also believe that spiritual formation is dependent on a partnership with parents because parents are primarily responsible before God for their child’s spiritual journey.
With that in mind, we are honored to partner with families on their faith journey by providing inspiration, resources, and support.
We believe that to grow spiritually healthy families, parents must be equipped to be the primary nurturers of their kid’s faith (Deuteronomy 6), that the faith community needs to play a supportive role in this endeavor (Ephesians 4), and that we must remain dependent on the Holy Spirit to bring about spiritual growth and formation when and as He chooses (Philippians 2:13).
We believe the best environment for kids to learn is one that promotes safety and where a child is known and feel loved. Our role as the church is to create environments that foster the work of the Holy Spirit.
upcoming events

June 23 – 27, 2025 • 9AM – 12PM
Early Registration: Now – April 5
Join us this summer where kids will discover that Jesus is our true north! VBS is for kids entering kindergarten through 6th grade, Kids who have completed 6th grade can step into Leaders in Training (L.I.T.)!
faith path
Faith Path is a yearly guide to help prepare you for key milestones along your son or daughter’s faith journey:
Preschool Resources
Story, Music, & Memory Verse
Elementary Resources
Story, Music, & Memory Verse
God’s Salvation Plan
A guide for parents and caregivers.
Contact Us
JEN CARPENTER | Next Generation Operations Administrator
KRISTINA CAPPS | Children’s Ministry Director
LAURA PAUL | Children’s Ministry Curriculum Director
ALEXANDER KES | Assistant Kids Ministry Pastor

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